wanna know?

Thursday, March 30, 2006


itinerant war veteran. hero or transient zero? one of the banalities of my job is to make the discernment between lewd and obnoxious, or just a byproduct of systematic abuse. we responded to a call today involving a man flagrantly exposing himself and claiming to be a war hero...he was doing so, just across the street from an elementary school! not sure how heroic he would have looked to all the parents had school been in session.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Confusion Endurance

ume in sake, pineapple on pizza, salmon rushdie and that baliwood chick. i'm all for embracing uncertainties and befriending the paradox, but certain things, like the sunless tan and non-dairy creamer, have soaked their way into our post-modern society. makes me cringe to think what kind of opinion our kids will have of us. at least they can't blame us for the three-story platform shoes.